Healthy Tips

The first thing you should know - there is no shortcut. All the "toned arms in two weeks!" and "lose an inch a week!" work-outs don't work that fast. Do them for more than two weeks, and you'll start seeing results.

You won't regret working out, you'll regret NOT working out.

You don't have to run 10 miles and bench press 100 lbs to be losing weight. Figure out what works for you, start slow. Even if you're walking, you're lapping everyone sitting on the couch.

I'm not a fitness expert - but I've had my fair share of talking to trainers and doing research. Here's some helpful sites and resources:

Apps: [chooses your playlist based on your pace]
RunKeeper [put in your customized work-out, select your own playlist]
Lose It! [daily diary of food + exercise]

Treadmill Work-outs from FitSugar
Exercise Finder [gives you exercises for specific areas]
MyFitnessPal [exercise and food log]